How to integrate your company LDAP with Teedy

LDAP directories are a common way to centralize a company users and groups, including the credentials.

In the Cloud edition of Teedy, LDAP integration is supported. This article will show you how to configure it properly.

First, connect to your Teedy server as admin and go to Settings > LDAP authentication.

Check the “Enable LDAP authentication” checkbox, you should see a form like this one:

Let me explain each field:

  • LDAP hostname: The LDAP server address (eg.
  • LDAP port: Mostly 389 for plain LDAP or 636 for LDAP over SSL
  • Admin DN: The LDAP administrator (or at least with read access on all users) DN (eg. cn=admin,dc=mycompany,dc=com)
  • Admin password: The password linked to this admin account. Note that this password will be stored in the Teedy database
  • Base search DN: The root branch of your LDAP directory containing users. Users must be directly under this (eg. ou=Users,dc=mycompany,dc=com)
  • Search filter: The LDAP filter used to filter out a specific user. It must contains USERNAME (in capital letters) and a search with this filter must only return one user (eg. (&(objectclass=person)(uid=USERNAME)) for filtering only object with the “person” objectclass)
  • Default email for LDAP user: By default, Teedy will search the user’s mail in the “mail” LDAP field. If this field is empty, the defined mail will be used instead. (eg.
  • Default storage for LDAP user: This storage quota will be used for users connected through LDAP. Note that you can still change this quota after the first connection

Don’t forget to save your configuration and test it using a LDAP account.

Please note that your LDAP users will appear in the Settings > Users menu only after the first connection. After that you can change the group or storage quota for example.

For any question configuring for your own LDAP directory or for suggesting more enterprise oriented features, please use the contact form.

Sismics co-founder, Docs open-source developer

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